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A New Career Option

When it comes to finding a career path, people often tend to choose very stereotypical options that are extremely mainstream amongst the masses. You will always hear people saying that they want to become a doctor, engineer, chef, accountant etc. But you will barely ever hear someone say that they want to become a professional dancer, artist and other occupations that are not as glorified as the rest.

Nobody is born an engineer or doctor, they have to study and work their entire lives before they can acquire the status that they have been chasing after. But what happens to those people who need jobs while they are studying or trying to get their hands on a qualification that can lead them to the path that helps them achieve their dreams? These students have to work undesirable jobs at places where they never wished to work. But they have to continue working in those conditions because they think that they do not have many options available to make something of themselves.

Since we were kids we have been told that there is a long journey that you need to go through before you can call yourself the person you aspire to be. It is expected that you will have to study for a minimum of 15 years before you can call yourself a doctor, engineer or accountant.

What we were not told was that there are certain career paths that are not as long as the stereotypical ones that we have been forced to run after. Did you know that you can become a casino dealer just by taking a few short courses? If being a casino dealer does not sound as glorified as the rest of the options you have, let me educate you. Being a casino dealer pays very well and it is a happening job.

Casino Dealer

Becoming a casino dealer is a very easy task. All you need to do is take a few month long courses to familiarize yourself with the rule and regulations of every game. You will need to know anything and everything about each game because a casino dealer is the one who runs the entire show. Other than that, you will need a lot of practice to make your hand movements as swift as possible.


The reason behind the information in this article is that many people are stuck in the process of becoming who they want to be. This is an option that you can take up while you are in the process. It will be considered a proper contractual job that pays well and the benefits are very desirable for students and youngsters.

Till you are not done with college it is not likely for you to be able to get one job that pays all the bills. You will find yourself working multiple part time jobs to make both ends meet. Students end up giving all their energies to their workplace and they ask essay writing companies to write my essay for them. But, working as a casino dealer will not only pay the bills for your tuition, the benefits that come a long with it are very desirable too. Casinos start operating after 5pm, so your shift timings are never going to clash with college life or your classes. You will have ample time to deal with your academics during the day and to focus on work during the night.

Not only that, you can choose your timings according to your availability. This is something that is very helpful for people especially college students. Some places even offer health insurance to their workers along with utilities like food and drinks which are on the house.

Happening Life

Apart from the tangible benefits this line of work has to offer, there are multiple benefits that you can only feel and not see. For example; imagine yourself at the centre of a poker table with all the cards in your hand with everyone looking at you to reveal their fate by flipping over the cards. Just imagine the feeling you will get when you are the centre of attention on a table where people are betting millions. It is almost going to be like being a referee in a football match or host who reveals the results in a contest. I do not know about all of you who are reading this but we think that being in that position could be the coolest feeling ever.

Casino dealers also get extremely high tips from the players when they win. Imaging someone winning $20000, this person will tip you off with at least $100 because you were the one who revealed his fate. Apart from that, do you not think that the night life is what you need when you are just in college? Every youngster dreams to see the life at a casino every day.

Not only will you be able to work at a casino, if you are good at what you are doing, people will even call you over for private gambling parties where you can decide your income yourself. If you take the right steps, you might not even need another career because casino dealers can make a lot of money if they are good at what they do.

Another advantage of all of this would be that, if you start working as a casino dealer, you will end up cracking the game one day. You will know all the ins and outs that you need to consider if you wish to win a hand. There will come a point your life when no one will be able to beat you at a game.

You can start your journey as a casino dealer by searching for training centres in your area. There are numerous institutes that teach the art of casino dealing. Just make a commitment to yourself that you will put all your energy into mastering the skill of dealing a game and you will have endless opportunities available at a young age.


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